


I'm interested in rushing Verdandi but my only concern is that will Verdandi last. I understand that they're top right now and got the best pledge class but with the kids that started it graduating soon will they continue to exist and more importantly stay relevant and top. I'm also interested in D chi I heard they're vastly improving and also Sigma chi even though I've heard that they are gradually sliding.

Posted By: Pnm
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Verdandi has over 100 people and only 30ish of them were in sigep at this point so theyre still going to be going strong, d chi isnt "vastly improving" theyve stayed about the same and sigchi isnt falling off at all theyve also stayed about the same. Not much has changed in the past few years as far as who the top three are not much will be changing in the near future.

By: .
by: Lol   

Top three fraternities ? Last time I checked verdandi isn’t a frat

By: Lol
by: @Lol   

No one said top three fraternities. Learn how to read.

By: @Lol

Verdandi is fun and all, but you should only join if you're looking to get hazed really bad and if you just want to party. They can basically get away with a lot of stuff that real fraternities cannot due since they are not a real fraternity, but if you're looking for something more , you should rush a real frat

By: True
by: @True   

Verdandi doesnt "haze really bad" and isnt just about partying. Theres something for everyone. The IM teams always compete well in basketball, football, and soccer. There's always a solid group of guys studying together in the library, they go on formals together, have chapter occasionally, brotherhood trips and events, and all around have a great brotherhood. Verdandi offers everything you could want from a fraternity including a growing alumni base. The difference is that you don't have to pay over a thousand dollars a year to be in it and you can't get in trouble for throwing an unregistered social.

By: @True

Check out Sigma Chi, Delta Chi, Phi Delt and Pike. Pass on Verdandi. Go for the full Greek experience.


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by: @IMO   

Phi Delt and Pike are awful. Might as well "identify as a woman" and rush a sorority. If youre not in dchi, sigchi, or verdandi then youre wasting your time.

By: @IMO
by: LMAO   

Verdandi alumni base...really?. You sound like a true dbag. Enjoy your boys club....wussies. Man up.


DAHHHHHH nyehhhh

By: kay deee!

I'd say Sig Chi is definitely still top with Verdandi and DChi being close seconds.

By: True

USF has had several fake frats over the years that grew out of suspended chapters. They all die within a year or two of when the ones that got dropped graduate. It gets real easy to fall apart when the only thing keeping a group together is house parties and tailgates.

By: Story time
by: Well   

This would be relevant if it hadn't already been over 2 years since Verdandi started, if there actually had been another fake fraternity at USF before (there hasn't), and if the only things holding Verdandi together were house parties. Try again.

By: Well
by: ?   

Iateapi - former betas, dead in 10 (brother was one)
SigEx - dead on arrival
Two I know of off the top of my head. The guy isn't wrong. Maybe not right, but not wrong.

By: ?

If you think the partying and carefree boys from Verdandi waste their time on this website you're actually an idiot sweetie.

By: Delta

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