University of South Florida Tampa - USF Discussion

Page 349 of 491
poll icon imagepoll: is the pike president hot? By: Top tier   Last Post:

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By: Top tier   Last Post:

Started: Aug 13, 2017 2:43:17 PM
poll icon imagepoll: is the pike president hot? By: Top tier   Last Post:

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By: Top tier   Last Post:

Started: Aug 13, 2017 2:43:17 PM
rush By: Panhellenic Woman   Last Post:

Just a reminder to keep things positive throughout recruitment. Everything...Read More

By: Panhellenic Woman   Last Post:

Started: Aug 13, 2017 8:32:32 AM
pay up sigma chi By: IFC   Last Post:

I understand that USF Administration is commencing full collection efforts...Read More

By: IFC   Last Post:

Started: Aug 8, 2017 6:30:49 AM
confession of the day By: Tri delta   Last Post:

I crave to sleep with any hot muscular guy I...Read More

By: Tri delta   Last Post:

Started: Aug 12, 2017 4:38:19 PM
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anyone upset at sigma chi? By: Top tier   Last Post:

Anyone upset that they are pairing with Verdandi and not...Read More

By: Top tier   Last Post:

Started: Aug 12, 2017 2:19:01 PM
adpi By: Fraternity Man   Last Post:

Don't rush adpi. Rush dg, kd, or tri delt. I...Read More

By: Fraternity Man   Last Post:

Started: Aug 12, 2017 5:50:13 PM
crushing By: Jw   Last Post:

Are A. Stergios and C. Giersheke single?...Read More

By: Jw   Last Post:

Started: Aug 12, 2017 5:29:23 PM
outifts By: PNM   Last Post:

What are some good recommendations for clothing when rushing fraternities?...Read More

By: PNM   Last Post:

Started: Aug 12, 2017 1:21:42 AM
best behavior? By: Pan Love   Last Post:

Can we all please try to be civil tomorrow and...Read More

By: Pan Love   Last Post:

Started: Aug 12, 2017 1:48:30 PM
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