
a phi


Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't understand why Alpha Phi has haters? To me there house seems at least middle, if not top tiered. Why do so many people think its lower tiered? Just trying to understand!

Posted By: Fill me in.
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I think the reason APhi has such a bad rep is because they genuinely don't care for members of their house. They will give out a bid to a girl just as long as she fits their standards and if one drops, on to the next. They are so desperate to give out bids that they will literally CALL girls on the phone, without having met them to offer them a bid. THAT is my eyes is pathetic and thank god other people see it too

By: Well

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by: huh   

kinda doubt that is true..

By: huh

Go back a number of decades and A Phi was a very bottom tier chapter. It was maybe a baby step up from AOPi which has since folded. The A Phi's have been clawing their way up ever since, so props to them for that.

By: Old Timer

these girls are all try hards who are clawing their way to the top and by top i mean middle tier at best. and they called multiple girls on my floor who hadn't rushed to offer them bids which is kind of a slap in the face to the girls who just went through recruitment and picked their house.

By: try hard

LOL all these comments are so spot on...

Aphi has a rep for recruiting based only on appearance, which is cool if they want to be known for that. The problem with that strategy is they dont really get a variety of girls, which leads to a lot of drama in the house. If you are involved in community service, have great grades, and are energetic, BUT YOU DONT FIT THEIR STANDARDS OF ATTRACTIVENESS they will not give you a bid (in most cases). A sorority needs to have a good variety of girls in order to work and I think Aphi is focusing too much on one thing...

The 2nd comment on here is so very true. This house doesn't really care about you, you are completely expendable... if you drop, they'll just find another beauty to fill the void. A lot of girls didn't feel very welcomed after pledging and considered dropping. I myself did drop because I felt like no one was in that house for the right reasons... they didnt care about having a good sisterhood or friendship with one another. If i had known this about Aphi I would have never picked it.

and yes comment 4 really did happen...

By: o____0

But honestly most of these girls aren't even very pretty it's all thick makeup and illusion

By: So true

Whether you think the girls are attractive or not, the fact of the matter is that they have so many haters because the girls in this house are mean and snobbish, more so than any other sorority.

By: Truth

another reason why people hate is that aphi was the bottom house years ago and rushed number 2 the passed couple of years, they clawed their way to the top and are notorious for rushing pretty but really mean girls

By: ya

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