
Stereotype/vibe of each sorority??

by: Pls help!

Hi! I’m rushing this semester and want to know what each srat is known for / what they’re generally like on campus?? Just feel like it’s hard to tell when everyone seems super nice! Thanks & anything helps!!

Posted By: Pls help!
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#1  by: Oof   

This gets asked every year and it’s so hard to answer, because no girl can really speak to the actual vibe in every sorority and most guys opinions are pretty shallow and unhelpful unless you’re rushing specifically for male attention.
Everyone will seem nice in rush, because most people are nice. Some sororities may be a better fit for some people while others will do better in different ones, but honestly you really can’t go wrong here if what you’re looking for is a group of girls to hang, party, study whatever with.
That being said, some things to maybe be aware of
- SDT and Deeph are the most popular with frats and tend to be the sororities superficial girls drop out of rush if they don’t get. I have a lot of friends in deeph, less in SDT but seems like both can be a little cliquey. Which is fine, if you find your clique, but be aware it costs a lot of money to be able to keep up with them socially. And if they find out you’re not upper/middle you’ll probably get dropped, which is good because you can’t keep up w them financially anyway. They do most cuts in the early rounds, whereas other sororities often do them after a the second or third

Tridelt, chio and maybe pi phi are on the other end of that spectrum. You won’t catch them mixing with sig ep, but they all have decent social calendars. These tend to be sororities that are less worried about things like body type or how many followers you have on IG, and rush is more about whether they feel like your vibes match. They tend to be more diverse, when it comes to backgrounds, race, financial status, so honestly I feel like anyone could find a few good friends in there and have a great time if they let go of the clout-chasing mentality. Pi phi is new, so for the first few years they pulled a mix of cool girls and girls who got dropped from top sororities and thought they could transform it overnight, which led to a little tension but they seem to have calmed down a little with that.

ADPI and zeta are generally somewhere in the middle of those two types. They are very well-rounded, a little more picky based on positive and more superficial factors, and despite the small elitist group of people who like to say only 2 sororities matter, my guess is they might actually be the most popular pick for PNMs during rush. They have good social schedules but strict time commitments, and definitely a little more of an image associated with them.

By: Oof
by: OofJan 8, 2024 9:57:43 PM

Lol my seniorness is showing, nobody’s mixing with sig ep now but y’all get the point

By: Oof
by: PTJan 12, 2024 10:28:02 AM

Mostly correct, except Zeta and ADPI are more upper than middle. SDT have a more clique mean vibe

By: PT
#2  by: No right answer   

There is no real right answer to this because the answer depends on the perspective the person answering has. The truth is there are girls of all types in every sorority and you should just spend the week open minded and trying to see what is the best fit for you based on what you see and hear and who you meet. Any stereotype listed here is going to be just that— a stereotype and likely not totally accurate. Just see for yourself and don’t listen to anyone else!

By: No right answer

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