
sigma chi kicked off campus??


Is it true?

Posted By: k
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Yes 100% official

By: @AuburnFacts

But you had to see this coming

By: Unfortunate

What happened?

By: Au

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Whether they're kicked off for a year or longer doesn't matter. Recovering from this will be a vertical climb. Sigma Chi will be an irrelevant name for a long time.

By: Word

The sigma chi groupies to their defense

By: Here come

the truth is that all fraternities aren't treated equally as far as punishments go. That's largely because Auburn knows about a whole lot of stuff they would never be able to prove. Everyone always knew that sigma chi had an unbelievably brutal pledgeship. so when Auburn finally had something they could get them on they dropped the hammer. Sure, there are plenty of good guys in sigma chi but they should have realized that strong alumni can only do so much for you and that they couldn't get away with what they did to pledges forever. Times are changing in terms of what you can get away with towards pledges and sigma chi just didn't adjust to the times. Brother reviews never help matters either

By: the truth
by: About review   

Did any guys lose their memberships as in never again being affiliated with Sigma Chi? I know that sometimes happens when a brotherhood review is done.

By: About review

Their nationals pulled their charter - there is no politics of Auburn IFC when your nationals gets involved. Basically nationals don't just pull a charter for driving at night and/or study hours. The Plainsman reports it puller for late night study hours - now doesn't that make Auburn look intelligent - not allowed to make pledges study. I highly doubt Sigma Chi had study hours and if so they must be pretty dumb - look at their GPA.

By: Read

What is the funniest thing is The Plainsman actually reported that their charter was pulled because of Study Hours. Even if they were as noted above that really makes it odd to pull a charter.
There was A LOT more than just this! It is a culmination of things - not just in the past but also this year. By pulling their charter none of that comes to light through the university publishing it.

By: Study Hours

nowadays is all the pledges going crying to their mommmas. Now this pledge has to live with being hated by an entire fraternity. It is universal.

By: problem

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