


I know people try to say there are no "tiers" but the reality is that they exist. With that being said, Ive heard that upper tiered sororities do most of their cuts earlier in rounds. Ive made it with a particular house, that most consider top tier, to round 3 and I absolutely love them (not because of ranking but because I have felt completely comfortable). All of the girls seemed to have genuinely liked me and we've had a lot in common. Is it likely id make it to prefs with them? And once you pref a house, is it almost guaranteed that you'd get a bid?

Posted By: Pnm
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Honestly there's no one on here who can tell you where you stand in relation to the other girls also being asked back to that house. This goes for any house regardless of said "tier". A certain number of girls will be asked back and a certain number will have to be cut. There's no way a house can keep every single girl they have a connection with. While so called "top" houses may be more cutthroat in general, everyone's chances are individual. There's no secret formula.

By: Honest

I think a lot of pnm's feel so heartbroken when they're dropped or cut from a house because in their minds they have been blatantly rejected. This isn't necessarily the case. In many cases the house didn't deliberately decide to drop you personally, but rather chose to keep someone else they maybe know better or have been pulling for for a long time. As stated above, not everyone can be kept.

By: Might help a bit

Top tiers are based "solely" on all that is superficial and shallow! If you get cut from them then you have lost absolutely nothing! In the long run, you will be grateful things worked out as they did! Looks only get you so far! Looks only last so long!

By: What a jome
by: Come'on   

Let's not turn negative shall we? Just as it's unfair to say everyone in XYZ is unattractive it's equally wrong to say everyone in ABC is just a pretty face. If this girl joins a so called "top house" she should be proud of what all her new sisters have to offer outside the realm of appearances.

By: Come'on

I preffed at a top tier (zeta) and put them as my first choice and ended up in my second choice house. And actually, most top tiers make their biggest cuts from round 3 to pref round.

By: Well

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I know many girls in my sorority (upper mid tier, I guess?) that preff'd at 'top' houses and ended up cut after prefs. A lot of girls accept their bids to top houses making it harder to receive one if you're lower on their list! Don't let that discourage you though, everything tends to work out.

By: Yeah

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