


As cuts continue to be made, my heart breaks for the girls who are left crying because their "dream house" dropped them after round 1, 2 or 3. I want to remind all of the PNMs that we've been in your shoes and we don't want to make you feel like less of a person at all. We aren't cutting you to ruin your college experience and many of my sisters feel a strong sense of guilt after dropping a perfectly nice girl. The truth of the matter is, you all aren't going to be happy in every house. Just because girls look like you, have the same major, or seemed interested in what you had to say does not mean that you would have the best experience there. Imagine if you got a bid from a house that you thought you initially belonged in and later realized you weren't going to be happy there? That would be much worse than ending up in a house lower on your list. Just trust the process and don't overthink everything because you'll miss out on the chance to find your RIGHT place. I know it's hard but everything works out as it should. <3

Posted By: Chapter Woman
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This is such good advice. We have all been in your shoes. We have all been cut from houses that we loved and cried wondering what we did wrong. The truth is recruitment is probably the first time in your life that you have experience rejection. I know it stinks but learn from it, grow from it, become stronger because of it. I promise that we are very thoughtful in our deliberations of each PMN and once you are on the other side of the recruitment process you will understand how we carefully weigh our decision to keep or release each PMN. This may not help now but please don't drop! See the process through, graciously accept your bid, have fun on bid day and throw yourself into getting to know your new home. I can guarantee that if you do this, one day you will be advising PMNs that being in YOUR chapter was the best experience of your life. Trust the system!!!

By: True

"Trust the system" does not always work out.

By: ?
by: True   

Agreed. If you believe in "trust the system", you have drunk the Panhellenic Kool-Aid. The "system" definitely does not work for everyone...just ask the girls I know dropped from ALL houses. Despite sorority opinion, it fails some. Just trying to keep it real.

By: True

Despite how brutal or cold the process may seem - and yes, it can be shallow and superficial! Just believe that everything will work out how it should be regardless of how it seems at the time. Trust in God. You will end up exactly where you belong.

By: Believe

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Alot of the time it's not even because of your looks but also because sisters cannot see you fitting in in their chapter. They don't want girls dropping bc they feel like they don't fit in

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