
sorority rush


How likely are we to get our first choice house on bid day if we list all three after pref night? I've heard of girls that put all three and get their third choice and hate it. On the other hand, if you list 3 after pref is it pretty much guaranteed you'll have a spot somewhere?

Posted By: PNM
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You should list all three. How many you list does not change how many bids you get. If you list house A, then house B, then house C, and only house C bids you, that's who you get. If house B bids you, you get them. If you list only house A, and they don't bid you, you wash out of rush and end up nowhere - even if House B and House C bidded you. Because you didn't list them, you don't get the opportunity to accept those bids.
Basically, you will end up with the highest ranked house that bids you. I listed three houses and got my number 1. It happens!

By: Active
by: pnm   

What do you mean by "bids" you? I thought it was a mutual ranking system that matched girls up with houses. How does the final selection work

By: pnm
by: Op   

It is mutual selection in that you have to match up. A house can only accept 90 members (ish), so they will select PNMs to extend bids to. If those PNMs liked them back (I.e. Listed them one thru three), they get a bid card on bid day and run home. So for example say you preffed at ZTA, XO, and DZ and ranked XO number one, DZ number two, and ZTA number 3. If XO loved you back, they'll bid you, and you'll get them on bid day. If they didn't select to bid you, or their spots filled up with girls they liked more, but DZ loved you, you'll get DZ. it sounds complicated but it really isn't - the short and sweet version is you'll only get a formal bid from one house, and that will be the house that loved you the most that you also ranked highest on your final list.

By: Op
by: Op   

And to clarify - just because you pref at a house, doesn't mean you're getting a bid to that one. You'll end up at the place that cherishes you most, that you fit in with best.

By: Op

if you list three houses on your MRBA then there is a 99% chance you will get a bid from one of them.

By: :)

The night of prefs, Panhellenic will estimate quota based on how many women are still in recruitment. Each chapter will submit two lists - one that is equal to the projected quota and contains the houses top PNMs as of prefs, and one that has everybody else in rank order. Let's say you pref at ABC, DEF, and GH. You like GH best, DEF second and ABC third and say quota is projected at 90. If you are in GH's Top 90 PNMs, you match right away. The computer figures out if any of GH's Top 90 matches elsewhere. Let's say fifteen of GH's top PNMs pick house KLM and are in KLMs top 90 - now GH has 15 more spots on their "top" list and the first 15 on the B List move up. If any of them have GH ranked first, THEN they match....

By: Bid process

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by: Bid process   

But let's say that you're ranked 20th on the B List, and GH "fills up" with women who put GH first. Then, the computer will look at your next choice, DEF. If you're on the top list at DEF, you match and get a bid there. If not, it'll keep trying to match you until DEF "fills up," and then it'll try to match you with ABC. If all three houses "fill up" before you match with any of them, you become a "quota addition" meaning Panhellenic will stick you in one of the three chapters you preffed, trying to honor your preference ranking. (Nobody ever knows who was a quota addition, it is not disclosed.)

By: Bid process
by: Bid process   

The reason it is SO important to rank all three chapters you pref is that you cannot become a "quota addition" unless you do. You have to "maximize your options." If you don't, and let's say you pick only GH, and it's GH or bust, then if GH "fills up" before they reach your name on their bid list, you're out of luck. However, if you'd maximized your options and ranked all three, you could have possibly been placed at GH as a "quota addition" even if you're not on their top bid list and they'd technically hit quota without you.

By: Bid process
by: Bid process   

One more thing to note: just because House A ranks you top of bid list and House B puts you in the middle doesn't give House A "pull" in getting you. If you rank House B higher, the computer will try to match you with House B until there are no spots left in B. Some people say "ugh I wanted House B but because House A loved me more I got put there" but that's not how the computer looks at it. It tries to match each PNM to her first choice and only moves to her second/third choices of her higher preferred house fills it's new member class. I was someone who got her "second choice" house on bid day and now loooves it but I also really wanted to learn how the process worked. It sounds complex but you will generally end up in a good home if you stick with it!

By: Bid process
by: pnm   

What if you only pref at one or two houses? Can you still be a quota addition?

By: pnm
by: Bid process   

If you maximize your options, you can be a quota addition! That means if you only pref one or two houses, but have accepted all invitations extended to you throughout the process, you are eligible.

By: Bid process
by: Bid matching   


By: Bid matching

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