
spiders should be aware of dolphins

by: Cujo

I'm seeing a lot of thought-provoking discourse on UR Greekrank. Lots of very well-established, eloquently-articulated points. But I'm afraid you're missing the real point. Regardless of how the sororities are ranked, it's dolphins you should be truly worried about. Dolphins have recently hit what evolutionary scientists referred to as "Adaptation Advancement Spike." In layman's terms, it means that the species suddenly recieved an unprecedented, inexplicable speed-up in their evolutionary bio-mechanism. Basically, when new dolphins are born, they have far more genetic mutations than the average rate., These traits, (known as Alleles in Biology) are, for some reason, almost always, what would you consider advantageous traits, things like, faster swim speed, better eyesight, opposable digits, and even greater surface area of ​​the brain, the main aspect contributing to their rapid evolution, is the fact that when these mutated dolpins mate, as many as 95% of the advantageous traits are passed on to the offspring. This is unnusual in nature because normally, genes will be either dominant, or reccesive in nature, and only around 50% of the genes from each parent are transferred to the off-spring. When these second generation dolphins reproduce with each other, the traits further combine, and this pattern continues to the point where the entire populace can achieve as many as 40% evolutionary progression in as little as 50-100 years. This would be like humans evolving from our sub-hominid ancestors in a period of time less than that in which our coutry has existed. Already, scientist are observing fourth-generation infant dolphins being born, exibiting extreme physical alterations, as well as a startling boost in intelligence. It is estimated that by six months of age, a fourth-generation infant dolphin is more intelligent than a fully matured, pre-adaptation spike bottlenose dolphin. Researchers predict that the dolphins may achieve self-awareness, or 'Sentience' as soon as Gen 7-8. At this point, the dolphins course of action can not be predicted, though it is thought that they will attempt to unify into a tribal structure. Then they will attack us.

Posted By: Cujo
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