
Diversity in Houses

by: Diversity

What houses at K-State are the most inclusive and racially diverse?

Posted By: Diversity
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#1  by: Well    

The other recent posting which simply asked if POC were included in sororities was taken down. (Not a good look whoever is monitoring this forum and having posts removed.) Let’s see how long this one stays up and if it engenders any honest dialogue.

By: Well
by: no truer words Jun 11, 2020 11:06:29 AM

Why do you suppose no one will touch this thread? It's because so much about greek life is built upon superficialities that mean absolutely NOTHING and so many chapters are guilty and they know it! They won't touch this subject with a 10-ft. pole. Time to recognize this and resolve to do better.

Resolve to be inclusive and welcoming of men and women of ALL different backgrounds when it comes to upbringing, appearances and economic status. Why do you suppose POC overwhelmingly choose groups on campus other than frats and sororities to be a part of? We all know the answer and it is time to do something about it.

The truth is greeks have spent YEARS being superficial and phony, which for anyone being honest, is the only basis for the subjective "tier ranking" of a dumb site like this one. What makes a house "top tier" on GR? How "popular" the people are on campus? Looks? How much money someone's parents make? Really? Can we finally recognize how inane this truly is? I've actually heard houses here call themselves the "social elite of K-State." How entitled and arrogant are you people?

Times are changing and you greeks better do the same or you will become even more irrelevant than many already consider you to be.

Peace. Out.

By: no truer words
#2  by: student    

No one is going to call out houses here one way or the other. This is what Recruitment is all about -- finding your place, your people and what chapter you feel most comfortable in when interacting with active members. PNM's will figure out what chapters are/are not inclusive on their own.

By: student
#3  by: serpentine, serpentine!    

That is one way to go about dodging a bullet isn't it?

By: serpentine, serpentine!
#4  by: Nickname    

Most diverse sorority: Kappa Delta

Most diverse fraternity: FIJI

Discuss amongst yourselves

By: Nickname

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