

by: curious

why does everyone hate kappa? jw bc they seem fine to me

Posted By: curious
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#1  by: .   

their pushy nationals dirty rushing people has made people dislike them

By: .
#2  by: GREEK   

OMG—more hate for Kappa. Regardless of your opinion, they are back and will eventually have a solid place in our Greek system. Blaming their Hdqtrs. for “cheating” sounds childish and like sour grapes.

Please don’t start negative posts with recruitment beginning soon. Work hard to improve your OWN group instead of tearing down others...

#3  by: Yeah   

Yeah kappa’s chill and actually show up to their events which is something not all the sororities here can say

By: Yeah
#4  by: .   

Kappa is the rejects from the other sororities. What losers lol!

By: .
by: leaveNov 30, 2018 10:55:58 PM

someone posting on greekrank at 9:42pm on a friday night... what a loser lol1

By: leave
#5  by: hi   

I dont think anyone "hates" Kappa more so than any other chapter, I just think that Kappa is very upset that they are a bottom tier and so they constantly bring it up on this site which gives people plenty of opportunity to explain why they're bottom tier. I think if they just let it go instead of making threads (like this^) or commenting on every post attacking any negative comment (see above) they wouldn't get as much hate.

By: hi
by: BUCKEYEDec 3, 2018 1:24:00 PM

Again, recruitment is starting. Can we PLEASE get off the whole TIER TOPICS and just put our best foot forward for the Holidays and next year?
You all do realize that ONLY on this nasty site do rankings matter, right? Let the PNMs decide where they will fit in and be happy without being made to feel they won’t enjoy their Greek experience unless they get in “top tier”—whatever that means.
And as for Kappa—those of you who obviously are jealous or threatened or just gloating that they are starting over...GET OVER IT and tend to your own group!
And NO, I’m not a Kappa—I’m on Panhellenic Rush Committee trying to promote unity.

by: HaDec 3, 2018 3:02:50 PM

Yeah that doesn’t exist and if it did they definitely wouldn’t have you trolling around greekrank or have the term “rush” in the title because pha doesn’t recognize that term lmao. You are clearly a kappa because everyone who has had a recruitment before would know that. Please stop trying to seem like kappa is some sort of victim or like anyone would be jealous of them. They aren’t exactly the peak of the bottom tier.

By: Ha
by: HAHAHDec 4, 2018 2:04:48 AM

dying at this thread and the comments above this one xD. also this person is clearly new. tiers are pretty much the only thing this site talks about. telling people to stop talking about it around recruitment time doesn't do anything at all. Unless greek rank just ceases to exist, pnms are going to read all of these and (very unfortunately so) make lots of their choices based on it. get used to it, kappa, and get over the fact you are bottom here. if you really practiced what you preached and ignored tiers, you would stop whining about being ranked low.

#6  by: Hi   

We had an event with them and their girls were nice and it was a good time. I do get where people are coming from on both sides though. A lot of people don't want them back which makes it hard but they're fine

By: Hi

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