
catty much?


This site is a good example of how catty the Greek system has become. By all means, if you want to be a part of a system where people go online and make nasty comments about a group of people based on what is probably a limited interaction with a select few members or even just an attempt to mud-sling at another group, join the Greek system.

It doesn't take a genius to realize some people probably stage "self-rankings" on other groups to try to make them look bad and as a result look better by comparison. This site is anonymous, so you really don't know if someone is trying to play catty "clever" games.

Also, why are people so obsessed with the rankings? And why do some people in the Greek system have such an elitist opinion of themselves that they feel the need to use hateful terms such as "geed" to talk about those who are not a part of the Greek system? Also, just so you know, I am a part of the Greek system, but feel I wasted two years of my life and money so far on a hateful system. Seriously considering cutting all ties I have with my chapter.

To all the people who post hate in response to this, you're only showing your own immaturity and proving my point. I wish everyone who reads this would just write something nice about another Fraternity or Sorority for a change.

Posted By: Truth
Page 1 of 2

Omg preach Im so tired of it

By: <3

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by: Idk y   

Idk why there is so much hate, its seriously hurting the image greeks have to the rest of osu

By: Idk y
by: i can relate   

some of my friends didn't know I was in greek life and when they did i swear some off their eyes bugged out of their heads in disbelief. they really didn't think they would be able to relate to someone in greek life because they had heard all the stereotypes

By: i can relate

It sucks. Every time I try to forget about it I can't seem to. I joined an organization because of the people and I still love them but sometimes non Greek students make bad judgements towards me because of it. It makes it hard to keep loving my organization when people love to make so many judgements about it. And ignoring the comments is easier said than done.

By: Fr
by: yup   

I've had the same experience. I actually had a friend beg me not to join because she thought it would change me for the worse.

By: yup
by: dude same   

My parents were very skeptical about me joining. I think between pop culture and all of the nasty things you also hear on the news greeklife has earned a bad rep.

By: dude same
by: u too?   

your fam was skeptical too? haha i thought i was the only one

By: u too?

This site is called Greek Rank - it's never going to be a frat/sorority love-in.

How bout just not visiting it if it bothers you so much?

By: why?
by: The problem   

Attitudes like this are the problem. The fact this site even exists is a problem.

By: The problem

The problem isn't just this site. It's the overall Greek culture at OSU. People slander other groups without any basis or truth behind what they are saying. Or they slander a whole group because of a few select individuals.

By: because.
by: fr   

yeah has like anyone noticed how this site has a warning about posting stuff that can be considered cyberbulling? its because its happened. a lot

By: fr

No wonder the number of people rushing was a lot smaller last year. People go online to research different chapters, come across this site, see how mean and negative some of the comments are and decide not to rush because of what they see.

People on this site are hurting the future of Greek life. They need to grow up and realize what the negative ramifications of their actions and words are now before the Greek system and all of Greek life at OSU is suspended indefinitely.

By: Asdfghjk
by: Brb   

It doesnt make sense to me, you’d think people would want to make a good overall impression of greek life and have the best pr possible. Greek life is going down the toilet the way I see it.

By: Brb
by: Ty   

Yeah i agree its no wonder people outside of greek life stereotype us. I hardly ever hear anything positive about the greek community

By: Ty
by: Yeah   

Yeah greek life is starting to become less and less relevant on campus to people who aren’t in it imo

By: Yeah

Those arguing against this post and giving it a thumbs down are either very ignorant of what is actually going on with this issue or they are the ones perpetuating this behavior and these negative attitudes.

By: L
by: Grl   

To be honest, they need to hear it most. Hopefully they can get over themselves and accept that things need to change.

By: Grl
by: tired of it   

Yeah, I seriously wonder how these people will channel all their hate after they graduate? They'll probably migrate to Facebook. Maybe they're already there, too.

By: tired of it

omg someone finally says it. Kris Jenner works hard but the haters on this site work harder.

By: so true

Can you provide some?

By: Example
by: srsly?   

sweetie, don't waste peoples time asking for examples when u prob know clearly how many haters are present on this site. go ahead and look at any of the posts about ranking chapters or go to any of the chapters and look at their ratings as just two examples. ppl say some pretty nasty stuff that just isn't necessary in the name of looking better than others.

By: srsly?
by: ?   

I can’t believe someone actually felt the need to ask for examples. Take a look around this site and you’ll find plenty.

By: ?
by: yeah fr   

i cant believe someone is this clueless about this site that they need examples XD

By: yeah fr

Ah, thanks for making me feel belittled and ignorant. Y’all lead by great example.

By: Example
by: bro   

i think you see op's point

By: bro

Why r there so many trolls on this site, ppl need to grow up

By: Agre

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