
sprite dates


What are sprite dates like and are they worth going to?

Posted By: Rush
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Sprite dates are essentially a more informal chance to talk to the chapter and get to know them. In ours, we focused a lot around Greek life in general rather than bragging about our chapter (not implying that anyone does this).
I would say they are worth going to because it allows you to see the girl's suites early on, lets you get a feel for what the girls are like in a more informal environment outside of recruitment.. And if nothing else, you get a chance to talk with them so it might ease some of the jitters later when you go through recruitment!

By: Girl

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by: .   

Is it essentially like a first round of rush? Do you think a lot of PNMs can get a feel of what the sorority is like just from the sprite dates

By: .

go to them!
They're really great at getting you more relaxed and excited about recruitment. It's also good practice for learning how you're going to talk to girls during rush-- You'll learn how to answer questions in a way that leaves it open to conversation. It's also useful for just getting a good feel for every chapter.

By: yeah

Thanks everyone!

By: .

they're definitely worth going to, especially if you're nervous for recruitment. it's way more relaxed than formal rush

By: truth

What should a PNM wear to them? Any ideas?

By: Guest
by: Advice    

It gets really really hot in the suites so don't wear sweaters even though they're in the fall! A cute short sleeve shirt and jeans is honestly fine. You don't need to get super dressed up or anything for them!

By: Advice

Sprite dates are for sure worth going to! They give you a good feel for the different sororities and they're a good way to get those pre-rush nerves calmed down. Dress is pretty casual, so like a nice sweater or shirt, jeans, and riding boots. Leggings are also fine! They're not formal at all

By: Guest

i went to most sprite dates...a sorority girl in the house i ended up joining actually remembered me from the sprite date and talked to me during rush and ended up becoming my big! not always the case, but it can't hurt to go so yes i would recommend going! they're very casual

By: MU

definitely go! i remembered a few girls from the sprite dates during recruitment. it's especially a good idea if you're not sure about greek life and haven't decided if you want to go through recruitment or not. plus, you get to see the suites before rush, which is great!

By: yes!

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