
possible new sorority


We need to discuss( in a civil fashion) the fact that one of the sororities that is supposedly presenting for expansion has a controversial philanthropy. I will say that I am very concerned about this. If this group comes on to campus, I will treat them with respect, but I will not participate in any fund raisers for their philanthropy. I know that certain ways of being in this world cannot and should not be "cured." Different ways of being in the world are not a curse, and they should be accepted. It would be impossible for me to support this philanthropy. Any other thought?

Posted By: Greek Unity
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I feel that different ways of existence in the world should not only be accepted, but should be tolerated.

By: I feel

It's not their fault that their nationals picked that philanthropy to affiliate with. It's really not something the individual chapters can do anything about, nor something they should be blamed for.

By: okay but
by: @okay but   

But why on earth would we bring a chapter on that is affiliated with that philanthropy? I'm sure their are very nice people in Alpha Xi Delta, but their philanthropy may make a lot of people (including me) uncomfortable. If they were already here, I could understand supporting them (although I wouldn't because I know a lot about Autism Speaks and I wouldn't be able to give money or time to it). But they are not here. I don't think they should come on with that philanthropy . It isn't fair to the people who have members in their family with autism. I have an immediate family member with autism and we choose to look at the situation as a blessing. We have no desire to change him or "cure" him. He is who he is. I don't want a sorority around who tells me my family member should be fixed when he isn't broken. Autism Speaks does not Speak for Me. Acceptance is the ONLY cure.

By: @okay but

This is our Greek System's opportunity to really become something bigger than we have been for 30 years. We need to get this right, so everyone can support the new sorority. Zeta Tau Alpha really would be a better fit. Their philo is Breast Cancer Awareness (Not Susan G. Kolman), and they have a history here, and they have great alumni in the area. Being that one of the sororities has a questionable philo, we should really got with ZTA. My Opinion

By: My Opinion.

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by: um   

ZTA's philanthropy is definitely problematic. Watch the documentary Pink Ribbons.

By: um
by: @umm   

It is actually called "Pink Ribbons Inc." You are right, it is a good documentary. But ZTA has disaffiliated with some of the more controversial groups and just focused on awareness. Perhaps Alpha Xi D should just focus on Autism Awareness. That would be fine. But this deal of Autism Speaks isn't cool.

By: @umm
by: Your blind   

ZTA passes out Ribbons before NFL games with one of their Greek letters. (lame), it says "Think pink think Zeta."

They think that pre-rushing at these games is a good idea. Lol

They e ven think self promoting is a philanthropy. Pathetic. Pink ribbons have a meaning thanks to Susan B foundation.

Now if they used that marketing money and mad a few banners on portable trailers that actually aided in exams or mammograms then you are accomplishing something.

What they do is equivalent to handing out eye patches at a blind convention with their name on it.

By: Your blind
by: ^   

Clearly you are against Zeta, and don't want them here. You are slamming them at every turn.

By: ^
by: ^   

Clearly you are against Zeta, and don't want them here. You are slamming them at every turn.

By: ^
by: Joke   

I too saw the pink ribbons video and it actually made me mad. Those women are counting handing out ribbons philanthropy hours. Personally my sisters and I work hard at our service hours and we make a real difference.

For that reason I say no.

By: Joke

You guys are nuts. If someone had type 1 diabetes or epilepsy, do you think they would want a "cure" or to go on with expensive meds and stress for them and their family? I think the first option. This is no different. Most people would rather be "normal" than not given a choice and there is nothing wrong with that. That is what is great about medical breakthroughs.

By: Head on straight
by: ^   

Being on the spectrum is not the same as diabetes or epilepsy. It is simply a different way of being in the world. You are proving how inhumane the people searching for a cure are by using words like "nuts" and "normal." Actually Autism Speaks doesn't know what people on the spectrum want, because they have NO voice on the board of directors. Not one single person on the board is on the spectrum - pretty disgusting. I really don't want this group at our school.

By: ^

My parents went through the pain of believing and searching for a cure for years with my brother. It was a painful and shameful time for our family. Then after much prayer, we embraced neurodiversity and we now seeing everything about my brother as a blessing. We wouldn't change a thing. Mean people try to tell us he is broken, but he isn't . Having this group on campus would be very difficult for me me, and I hope our community will chose compassionate groups vs. eugenic bullies.

By: For me
by: but   

To echo again, it is NOT the sorority's fault. There is so much more they can offer. Philanthropy is just a tiny part of it. And they don't deserve to be prejudged. I think they should at least have the opportunity to show what they can offer without everyone jumping down their throat. The whole point of expansion is the positive growth of the Greek system

By: but
by: @but   

"Philanthropy is just a tiny part of it." ????? I'm honestly shocked. Philanthropy is a HUGE part of Greek life and it should be the most important part. If you feel that philanthropy doesn't matter , than it won't be unreasonable to ask them not to bring their affiliation with Autism Speaks here to our campus....right...I mean it doesn't matter....right. You are right about expansion being POSITIVE growth. Bringing an affiliate of Autism Speaks would not be good for morale. We have a right and an OBLIGATION to educate ourselves about these issues. I will not support their philanthropy. Sure they can present. But if they come on, I will not give time or money to their philanthropy. The worst things happen when good people stay silent. We must educate ourselves and we must speak out against these atrocities that Autism Speaks is attempting to put forward. Acceptance is the ONLY cure.

By: @but
by: @but    

We have to do research before they come here. That is prejudging, but it is necessary. We can't make a decision based on a presentation. Come on!

By: @but
by: Sorry for your pain   

I too know ppl with autism and I prey for a link to find the cause. I don't share you selfish view not to support another's philanthropy.

I would embrace all causes. Of the two I would pick Autism!

By: Sorry for your pain
by: ^   

You would embrace all causes? Really? You don't think before you support something? That is just scary. No wonder history is what it is.

By: ^
by: Alpha Xi Delta   

Sorry to hear of the pain you had growing up. That should have no impact on a great sorority coming to this campus.

We need to get ouside the box on this ladies. To me it seems silly you would not want others to embrace your brother publicly. This would be a great platform.

Honestly you are so outspoken against national AXD woman you have never met, to an outside it seems like you are masking your pain.

Personally I would like to lean more about Autism.

By: Alpha Xi Delta
by: Alpha Xi Delta   

Sorry to hear of the pain you had growing up. That should have no impact on a great sorority coming to this campus.

We need to get ouside the box on this ladies. To me it seems silly you would not want others to embrace your brother publicly. This would be a great platform.

Honestly you are so outspoken against national AXD woman you have never met, to an outside it seems like you are masking your pain.

Personally I would like to lean more about Autism.

By: Alpha Xi Delta

Why fix what aint broke?

By: why?

Better to discuss and deal with all this now then after a sorority comes to campus.

By: .
by: ^   

I agree. I'm in the process of researching right now.

By: ^

What are you people going on about? I've been all over Autism Speaks website and researching them and I don't see anything wrong with the organization. They raise awareness for the disorder and advocate for research funding and service availability...#confused #whatsyourproblem

By: wut?
by: well   

To me, this sounds like 1 crazy person who is all up in arms over this.

Should people stop having LASIK to correct their vision and just remain legally blind, because it's "a different way of being in the world"?

By: well
by: @the two people above   

You know, as a person who has a brother with autism, I will say that I know a lot about this top, and I am ONE poster above, not all of them. So there is more than one person who feels this way. Also, I know a lot about Autism Speaks and how they operate. Using words like "crazy" to describe people who may feel differently than you, shows a lack of understanding for this entire subject. I am one of many people who does not want this group at our school for a lot of reasons, that I'm not going to discuss on GreekRank. Of course they have a right to be here, but I will have a right and an obligation to educate people about who they are and what they do. Looking at there website is a start, but it doesn't cover what they have done in the past and continue to do in the present.

By: @the two people above
by: The cheese stands alone   

This past month I have asked girls in every house close to 15 so that is a 10% showing for most houses and more for the smaller ones.

Sorry to say not one person shares your view.

My vote is your are a ZTA mole trying to turn ppl off of your competition.
Total ZTA move. They are not known for being nice.

By: The cheese stands alone

When you speak you are not talking on behalf of the masses. Not one person in my house (a larger house on campus) shares your opinion.

We are all entitled to our own but to say you would not support another house is just wrong and should be kept to yourself.

By: Who are you
by: wellI   

I'm not the posters from before, but I too am in a pretty big sorority (truth is they are ALL medium size here). My sisters and myself are open to hearing different opinions. I'm not sure how I feel about the issue. But I do know that just because something calls itself "non-profit" or "philanthropy" doesn't mean we should blindly accept that what they do is okay. I find the subject of neurodiversity something worth looking into. Don't you think with everything that has gone on with Greeks the past few weeks we should be careful abut what we blindly accept as okay? We do have an obligation to research and stand up for what's right. Think how different things would be for Oklahoma if someone had simply said "stop doing that."

By: wellI
by: Well I listened to ZTA   

They are claiming to support pink ribbon... Yet they use that as an opportunity to self promote. Wrong and unpanhel on so many levels.

They do not support Susan B the well known trend setter of plain...pink ribbons. And getting a whole month dedicated to the cause.

So what is different for the other house to support just one of the Autism causes. Let's see if they use there cause to self promote. Doubtful.

By: Well I listened to ZTA

The only foundation that operates on a true non profit basis is the American Red cross. They keep just 10% of the donations for operating costs. Most others keep 30% and sometimes more.

60 minutes did a huge story on this. Just accept the fact half of all the money donate is lining the pockets of the foundation head person.

By: Y'all wake up

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