
Rankings from top to lower mid. Unbiased.


Top no order

KS: one of the best houses and parties on campus. Pledge classes are solid and the brothers seem close. They do a lot of good community service but DGAF about intramurals/student government, and they are mostly stuck on AZD/PM then branching out.

BTP: very solid house and and some of the best Pull on campus. Their pledge classes are pretty solid and seem close too. Their parties are VERY bad for a top group unless they throw joints or party elsewhere. (Their nationals doesn't allow alcohol in house)

PKA: some of the best parties and pull on campus. Their pledge classes have improved the last 2 years and their community/philanthropy/student-gov/intramural involvement is one of the best on campus. Their house is tiny and absolutely disgusting, also none of their brothers are close. Often times they are better friends with other fraternities than their brothers.

TKE: one of the best houses and parties on campus. Their pull and brotherhood is pretty good too but their academics and pledge classes could use some work. One of the best times on campus though.

Lower Top no order

SX: one of the closest brotherhoods and some of the best community/philanthropy/Academic/Student-gov involvement on campus. Their pledge classes have got a lot better the past 2 years. Their house is big but not set up well for parties indoors (minus the upstairs area) and is dirty and broken. Their on campus pull is lacking due to their sub par parties but girls always show out for them during derby days and off campus stuff.

SAE: some of the best parties and pull on campus. Their brothers all seem pretty close too, which is a big improvement for this group without pledging and letting anyone in. Their PCs are always solid but their involvement in anything other than parties/socials is almost non existent and their house is extremely sub par for a top group.

Fiji: one of the best houses and one of the best academic groups on campus. Their brotherhood is close and their older guys are top notch. Last few PC's not so much. Their social lives and pull are above average but lacking for a top group.

ATO: some of the best parties and one of the closest brotherhoods on campus. Academics are pretty good here, and their house is also pretty good too. Their PC's are smaller and because of that their pull is a little less than other top groups.

Upper Mid no order

(no descriptions here, all of these groups are a great time and would be good at any school)


Mid no order

(Pretty good time, would be hot or miss anywhere else)


Lower Mid

(Niche but definitely going to see them around campus or at parties)


Posted By: Truth
Page 3 of 3

tke is not top at allšŸ˜­and switch ks and btp with sae and sx

By: girl

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by: lol   

By a "girl" they mean a SX. Get off GR.

By: lol

Top 8 = you will have a great college experience and get the grades.

Next 4 = you will have a very good and under rated college experience, get the grades and have just as much fun in a tighter brotherhood.

Next 8 = you will have good fun here and get the grades. Maybe some guys here are a little nerdy or strange but are all around good people.

By: Yeah


By: Bump


By: Bump


By: Bump


By: Bump


By: Bp


By: Bump

KS is not top 4. Fiji is struggling. Otherwise ok

By: confused

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