Boston University - BU Discussion

Page 1 of 174
srat rankings - truthhh By: truth   Last Post:

coming here to set the record straight because I see...Read More

By: truth   Last Post:

Started: Jul 24, 2024 5:36:16 PM
srat rankings post recruitment By: gphi 😌😌   Last Post:

top: aphi adpi dg upper mid kd/aephi gphi mid sk/sdt lower mid theta bottom tri delt (did they get any pnms?)...Read More

By: gphi 😌😌   Last Post:

Started: Feb 22, 2024 10:05:04 AM
Raising Awareness By: truth   Last Post:

been seeing a lot of talk abt hazing on here…i’ve...Read More

By: truth   Last Post:

Started: May 1, 2024 11:33:26 AM
sororities in order correct me if i’m wrong By: lord   Last Post:

this is from what i’ve picked up on as an...Read More

By: lord   Last Post:

Started: Jun 12, 2024 7:38:42 PM
Attractiveness meter By: Delts suck   Last Post:

Which of the low tier ones have good looking girls...Read More

By: Delts suck   Last Post:

Started: Jul 13, 2024 12:12:20 AM
↓ Posts Continued Below ↓
aephi By: Frat   Last Post:

Does anyone besides myself think that AEPHI dropped after their...Read More

By: Frat   Last Post:

Started: Jul 12, 2024 11:23:42 AM
Spring 24 srats By: Facts   Last Post:

Post recruitment Adpi/DG Aphi Aephi/KD Gphi SDT/SK Theta Tri delt...Read More

By: Facts   Last Post:

Started: Feb 27, 2024 10:00:49 PM
Rush next year? By: ?   Last Post:

What sororities are rising/falling going into next year? I'm an...Read More

By: ?   Last Post:

Started: Jun 6, 2024 8:49:40 AM
Summer content coming from sororities By: Being real   Last Post:

Not sure if anyone is seeing this but honestly KD...Read More

By: Being real   Last Post:

Started: Jul 5, 2024 7:57:13 PM
KD…the boring one By: Pike   Last Post:

Someone get one of those girls a hobby…they got 0...Read More

By: Pike   Last Post:

Started: Jul 8, 2024 10:44:03 PM
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