
freaking out!!!


hi! I'm going to be a freshman in the fall and I'm 100% rushing. however, I'm SUPER nervous and i'm afraid a lot of the girls won't like me. I'm a generally outgoing and super friendly girl but i can be shy in awkward or intimidating situations. any suggestions or advice?
thanks so much :)

Posted By: PNM
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1. get off this site, it won't help at all during recruitment, half of the stuff on here is lies.
2. go in with an open mind. first two days your going to like some sororities more than others but don't get your heart set on any one sorority because sometimes you'll get dropped.
3. be yourself, girls want to get to know you more than they want to judge you on first impressions. with that said don't be too open about really personal things or things that shine a negative light on you.

By: hi
by: hi   


By: hi
by: sorry   

ididnt mean to put that sorry

By: sorry
by: sorry   

typo i meant dye

By: sorry

#1: Why are you here of all places?
#2: Why are you here of all places?
#3: Why are you here of all places?

By: M

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Just be yourself and if the girls don't like you you can always drop! Just go in with an open mind and confidence and I'm sure you'll find the sorority for you!

By: Advice


By: hi
by: sorry   

sorry i didnt mean to put that

By: sorry

Trust the process there's nothing you can do but be yourself

By: No

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