
Schools Will Remained Closed


Its likely school will not start again in the fall, and even if it does everything is going to shut down again in October through the rest of the year. So why are y'all even talking about rankings/orgs on here? Talk about something else

Posted By: Dumb
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If it does I’m taking a gap year I refuse to go through a whole year of online classes I would rather work and get my money up

By: Money

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by: Wetad    

Okay so you think that university would be closed for another year (nearly 5 months from now), but you would have a job yeah ok

By: Wetad

It’s highly unlikely we don’t have school in the fall but yes go off

By: Lmao
by: holy wow   

clearly y'all can't cope with possible realities. Probably not smart to call people dumb when you have no idea how things will actually play out

By: holy wow
by: Idiot    

Lol you guys need a reality check. There’s a solid 50/50 chance fall semesters online

By: Idiot

Put the crack pipe down

By: C

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