The end of spring break always comes as a bit of a bummer; after a week of sun and friends, (or in my case, a week of ruefully perusing smiling, deeply tanned Instagram photos as you enjoy a not-so tropical vacay), chances are that first Monday back comes as an unpleasant shock. I for one am not ready to resign myself to a boring new semester.
Join me in making this spring the best semester of our lives by not letting this pesky thing called ‘education’ dull the excitement of spring.
Come back with a flair.
Returning for school after a free week has the potential to create a somber mood, but you have the power to make this semester as fun as you want it to be! Returning to school with the power of a restful week and a tan can give you confidence- embrace it! Wear those fun sundresses and funky sunglasses (mirrored, because you ARE a celebrity) and enjoy the new spring air. Smile and you’ll be smiled at. When you look good and feel good, you will feel like the world is your oyster.
Get your work DONE.
The awesome thing about having a break is that it gives you time to recalibrate and refresh your academic plan. You don’t need to spend every waking hour studying to do well, you just need to study smart. Wasting time procrastinating is the enemy of fun. Come up with a plan for academic success and you’ll save time and stress. New Years is not the only time to make resolutions. Start with a clean slate and you can be efficient with your time and spend less sunny hours in the library.
Keep it tropical.
This may not be common knowledge, but I FIRMLY believe that no one can be unhappy in a tropical climate. If you are like me, and go to school in the frosty Midwest, creating this carefree environment is a great way to change your outlook and prepare for a happy semester. Throw out the old holiday décor and turn up the heat. Drink fruity drinks and go all out on the first sunny day of the year. I, for one, will be denying the snow on the ground outside my windows with a Piña Colada and a Hawaiian shirt.
This is maybe the most important part of bringing the spring break feel back to college. CLEAN YOUR ROOM. You know you didn’t do it before you left for break, and nothing screams ‘returning to real life’ like your old cluttered college dorm room. Do your spring-cleaning and I promise you will feel refreshed, organized, and productive. Besides, we all have homework we’d love an excuse not to do. On that note, this is great time to clean up your lifestyle too! Eating healthier, especially light seasonal foods, and going for a run in the fresh air can bring your mood up and will make you feel ready for the sunny season.
Get wild.
You’re young. Act like it. Too many young people today get bogged down by responsibilities, or create stress for ourselves that brings us down. Why is spring break the one time a year when we feel like we can shirk responsibilities and have fun? Stop making excuses like ‘ its too cold’ or ‘im too tired’. It’s NOT and you’re NOT. Say yes more and seek out new experiences! As many inspirational quotes and guidance counselors have said, life is not a dress rehearsal. Get your work done, then skip Netflix or vegging out and go explore. Have you ever regretted deciding to do something, rather than do nothing? Spring break is about being fancy free, but like every mindset, that mentality is a choice. Choose to be adventurous, and every week of spring can be extraordinary.