


Will any if the top 3 or 4 groups take 4 from one high school?

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Is there a reason why you girls all want to stick together? Y'all can be in different sororities and still be friends no matter what. Do not pick a sorority based on what your friends want. Pick one because YOU like it and feel at home there. And what's with the "TOP" groups anyway? Every sorority there is great (even if they're newer). Each one has wonderful girls in them. There is no reason to pick a sorority because people make their status "TOP". Honestly, there's no top sorority.

Y'all are big girls now. Make up your own minds on where you want to go, not where everyone else is going (or wants to go). College is suppose to be about making new friends, not staying with your butt-hole buddies from HS. You are certainly welcome to keep your old friends, but come on! Branch out and make new ones, it won't hurt you!

By: sorry not sorry
by: @sns   

Wow. This is the worst response that I have ever seen on this website. Yes, some sororities are more desirable than others, some girls can carry on a better conversation.. you must not be one of them.

Calling them "butt-hole buddies from hs" is totally uncalled for. I really hope I don't end up joining your sorority.

By: @sns
by: @@sns   

Her response was harsh, but she has a point. my best friend and I went to different houses and all that meant was twice as many friends for us.

Don't pick a house because they like it and it's supposed to be top. You make your experience.

By: @@sns

I've seen it over and over again in these threads: "My friends and I want to be in the same house", "there are X amount of us from the same high school and X amount of us want ABC sorority", "there are X amount of us from the same home town and X amount of us want ABC sorority". It sounds to me like they really don't care about the house itself and what it offers, but that they would like to stay with certain friends. I will say saying "butt-hole buddies" probably was a bit uncalled for and I apologize but when there are so many girls wanting to be in a sorority and are getting their hearts broken because they are either getting cut entirely or getting cut from a house they love, then it is irritating to hear girls wanting to just be with their friends.

By: sorry not sorry
by: Misunderstood   

I meant 4/15 of us like the same sorority! We were not super tight friends in hs but in the same circle . Geeeez! I've been reading where some sororities might only take 2 or 3 from the same high school . Just wanted to know if that's true!

By: Misunderstood
by: No one   

short answer: no one knows with the new rules.

They could fall in love with 6 of you and have enough room for all. Or you might be the only one from your hometown in house ABC. Focus on you today. And celebrate tomorrow.

By: No one
by: No    

If the other top houses are like mine then you will almost 100% be split up. Top houses had to make HARSH cuts last night, we were fighting over girls for hours and then it came down to loving all the girls we had left but still needed to cut 10 more. If we had more than 2 girls from a hometown we would look to cut 1 or more from that hometown. It is very unlikely you will be all together.

By: No

Kappa delta caused this scenario to even be a problem . Many girls saw that they took 12 from one hometown and now they think this is normal. Shame shame shame on you, KD. Your entire sorority, top to bottom, plays with PNMs and their hearts. You are ridiculous and your alumni mothers are bullies.

By: Yep

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by: MSU   

KD had the right to take as many girls from one town as they wanted. 12 girls in a pledge class of 93 or 94 isn't a big deal. Where were you several years ago when Phi Mu took 8 or 9 from the very same place you are fussing about in a smaller pledge class? It happens occasionally and is only a big deal to the other groups who were rushing them.


Even after cuts we had girls in like our top 40 that didn't come back tonight. Can't wait to find out if they cut us....

If they didn't. Somebody got sum splaining to do .....

Just sayin'

By: Lol

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