
kd cheaters


Word is out that KD has been dirty rushing. It's leaked out that they had contact with girls all summer. Also, rich alumni have been taking PNMs mothers out to eat all summer. KD will do anything to get the girls. At some point it will catch up to them. #btibery #coniving

Posted By: Homie
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And DG gives the moms of their top PNMs a copy of their national magazine. Unfortunately all groups stretch the rules in some way.

By: Ugh
by: Really?   

I might be missing something...but is making sure a PNM might red your magazine really as bad as bid promising or breaking the no contact rule? I don't want to like a house that is shady, but it seems like everyone gets in trouble to some extent, but some things aren't as bad as others IMO!

By: Really?

And Phi Mu is also horrible. I hope they don't break all the hearts of the 1947 girls they bid promised.

By: Girl
by: Also   

Just like KD promising Madison girls bids. It seems a lot of promising is going on.

By: Also

You're right they all stretch. I was promised a bid from Chi O . I hope I'm not heart broken too! To poster number two. Is this horrible on chi o part? I was thrilled. Should I be worried?

By: Not to mention
by: I would   

run! I mean that's just me, but no sorority should be bid promising. I'd rather join somewhere that doesn't potentially break our hearts by bid promising then cutting us.

By: I would

Are you kidding ?! Chi o is the worst at playing dirty. They try and take legacies from Dg and kd not because they actually care and genuinely want these girls but just out of spite and they do whatever it takes no matter if the PNM is the one that's getting hurt in the end

By: Wow

This thread is worthless. Everyone pointing fingers at each other. Completely worthless.


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