
sorority rush tips

by: car

after going through recruitment on both sides here are some tips to incoming PNMs!

- show you’re interested in leadership (if you are) and don’t think you’re too cool to act interested
- don’t ask about parties or frats, or obviously be on your phone - this can seriously get you in trouble and be kicked out of the entire process, not just a specific sorority
- be nice to everyone! these are real people with feelings who have to put in their best attitude even if they don’t want to as well. you may be in recruitment next year and if you can’t be nice to strangers now, how will that be for the reputation of the sorority, next years recruitment, and even your future life? word travels SO fast. you’ll also see girls from all sororities all the time for PHC or partnership events, and even in class, and they’ll remember.
- we’re not in the south — sororities are only an extended club here. they won’t be your life, just part of it, and that’s too much pressure to put on a sorority! it’s often better to feel this way anyway to not let your emotions hinge on how a sorority is doing
- once you’re in, it won’t be instant besties. probably. you have to show up at the events to meet people, even if that means walking through the door without besties on your arm and saying hi to people.
- give it a chance! even if you’re not in a sorority you thought you wanted, you’ll still have a good time. look at all these member who do! if you don’t think you will, stay in it for at least a semester and go to events, and don’t quit right after bid day. bid day events kind of suck — it’s too cold, there’s too many people, there’s no seats. how are you supposed to do that? and DON’T talk bad about them if you quit right away, they’ll know and you’ll turn yourself from just a “non-fit” to an enemy. i was in a line at a school event and a girl who dropped the sorority after one day said”oh they’re so fake and didn’t care about my philanthropies”. we don’t really care that you dropped, just don’t make up information to bad talk. in the sorority world, that won’t bode well for you. the people you meet in recruitment are still only a small subset of members. it’s impossible to judge a whole sorority off of a few people, but you have to do your best, and then reset expectations afterward.

good luck and be yourselves! put on your best smile and brave these days out with the rest of us! they’re not fun, they’re not easy, but hopefully, they’re worth it <3

ps. if you’re reading this, it’s probably too late, but DONT follow the rankings on the website. they are wholly innacurate, plus no one actually cares. don’t sweat it :)

Posted By: car
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