
theta and diversity ?

by: Ok

I was looking through Panhellenic chapters' instagrams/facebooks/etc because I'm excited for recruitment and noticed something. This chapter, who pretty much claims to be the most diverse sorority on campus, uses the same 5-6 girls in all of their social media and at events to promote their philanthropy/themselves. It's funny because I see people bashing other chapters for a lack of "diversity" or inclusion, but Go look at them. It's the same people the whole time. I knew they were small but are they THAT small? If this chapter wants to grow and improve, they shouldn't be basically making themselves look like they lack members. Then again, maybe that's all the members they have right now.

Posted By: Ok
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#1  by: wut   

just looked through their instagram and can't see what you are talking about i see many different people.

By: wut
#2  by: Hmm   

It's not like the SAME 5 people but the SAME people are featured so much, I can see what you mean. Probably the person in charge of social media is sharing her friends

By: Hmm
#3  by: Panhellenic   

Honestly, from what I have seen, they are diverse. Just wait until recruitment to find out for yourself ! They are a great group of girls and although they are small compared to other chapters, it's not like they only have 15 people, they have a pretty good sized bunch

By: Panhellenic
#4  by: Different chapter   

Hey, theta is a great chapter and they are pretty diverse! You can't base your opinion solely off of social media. Wait until recruitment and you'll see! (: good luck with recruitment!!

By: Different chapter
by: ...Jul 27, 2016 5:16:08 PM

Great comment, " You can't base your opinion solely off of social media." Not every person is tied to their phones and social media accounts. Live life rather than relying on watching life through a small screen.

By: ...
#5  by: Chi    

Did my own look at their Instagram. There are sisters who have been there for years who aren't even on there, but there are newer girls who are on there many times. At least they're given a chance to represent the chapter? But still seems off to me?

By: Chi
by: ...Jul 27, 2016 5:17:08 PM

Not every person is tied to their phones and social media accounts. Live life rather than relying on watching life or looking at other people's life through a small screen. AOT

By: ...
#6  by: Not sure   

I can see why you would think that but there's definitely a lot of sisters featured on all of their social media accounts. Maybe they're just the only people to submit pictures? I don't know, but I've seen that happen for other chapters before.

By: Not sure
by: ...Jul 27, 2016 5:15:15 PM

Not every person is tied to their phones and social media accounts. Live life rather than relying on watching life through a small screen.

By: ...
#7  by: Yep   

Many times Theta sisters are enjoying time together and don't take (or forget to take) photos to document it at the time (philanthropy, sisterhood events, date functions, formals) OR don't submit (or forget to submit) photos to social media chair. Get to know Theta and its members rather than relying on social media. You will find a diverse group of ladies who will welcome you with open arms.

By: Yep

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