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Poster Name:
Sig Ep Alum
Poster Message:
2017, not sure where you get your information but to set the record straight the Balanced Man Program actually delays the full initiation of a new member well beyond when that happened under the old pledge program. A pledge program consists of 6 to 10 weeks of learning nonsense facts and includes very little if any further development or education once initiated. The Balanced Man Program is a 4 year development program that sets a young man up for success for his life after college. The chapter is rebuilding after eliminating over 70 members in 2015 for not living up to Sig Ep ideals and principles. Sig Ep is one of the nations leading fraternities and if a chapter is not living up to the principles of the fraternity, we will take action like we did at USF. It will be done right or it will be closed.
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