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I disagree.
Poster Message:
Maybe you should do a little research and notice that this whole notion that they are a "corrupt" organization is based solely on the fact that people who fall into more extreme parts of the spectrum of autism require treatments that may appear "dehumanizing" to those who have autism but are high functioning. Your ignorance and willingness to post misleading things about the organization is appalling. You also need to know that saying "those with autism spectrum disorders" makes no sense as the use of the word spectrum is used to describe how intense someones case is. I understand that you are trying to promote empathy and compassion, but all you are doing is spreading misconception based upon your little "research" which probably stemmed from you watching a couple youtube videos and peaking in on some blogs. I have seen the good that this organization can do first hand, and while it may not be very beneficial to those who are high functioning on the spectrum, many have found relief from all that it can offer.
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