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Your nickname says it all. Opposed (to pike). They are the longest standing greek fraternity on HPU's campus by almost 60 years compared to the next one, which is only around 8 years old. To touch on a couple of your points. Zeta groupies. I heard they Zeta Tau Alpha is filled with smart, funny, and beautiful girls. Whats wrong with surrounding yourself with people that you enjoy to be around. One kid posted a snapstory that was immediately taken down after some members of the fraternity saw it and directed him to take it down. Yes it was inappropriate, but how do you gauge a group on the actions of a few sick twisted individuals. Campus involvement? They have many members on IFC. They have many events throughout the year to raise money for specific causes. Such as their Jimmy V Week, last year that raised over $33,000+ for the Jimmy V foundation in just one week. This was the most by any greek organization. They also have raised the most money for the past 3 years running. They had won fraternity of the year for two consecutive years (2014-2016). They were suspended for a year because of allegations and accusations, not people being found guilty of crimes only being accused. To speak on nationals. Nationals loves them. This is one of the only times that nationals has backed a fraternity despite the university not. Never has happened at this school before. When the other 7 of 8 fraternity got kicked off, their nationals took their charter. RAN OUT OF ROOM TO TYPE sorry
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