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I have an older cousin who was a Chi O at a different school and I asked her about this before I rushed. She wanted to calm me down so she told me that the original initiation included the coffin and you were carried in it then "reborn." She said that over time that became a bit too weird for modern day women to wan to do, so they tweeked it and now each chapter is a little different. Some chapters just have a box that's not a coffin to symbolize the death, some just have you close your eyes and cross your arms right where you are, etc. She has no idea about the one here though because she didn't go here. And she wouldn't give me anymore details than that since I hadn't rushed yet and she hasn't mentioned it since I didn't pledge Chi O. But just to put this rumor to rest, I don't believe any Chi O chapter makes you get in a coffin anymore.
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