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to @haters

Poster Message:
Here's the thing...DG has not broken any university rules, gotten in any trouble or done anything to be hated for. Other groups are jealous and that's just the way it is. Any non-greek at MSU will tell you that DGs are the nicest girls if you're not greek. So, what does that say? DG cares about ALL PEOPLE - not just trying to impress other greek groups who are hating on them. Have you ever stopped to think that since other groups are hating on them, they're going out beyond the confines of the greek community and really reaching out on campus? That is what makes this group great. They're not limited to the little cliques that seem to define greek life at MSU. And, since other groups cannot forceably make DG bend to their own will, they're left with no option but HATE. It's very sad. And, not sure exactly what you're talking about with that last sentence. DG is a very strong national group. Just ask any NPC delegate.
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