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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />i love my sorority<br /><br /> Poster Message:
Look yo- who cares what sorority you are in??? I love my sisters.. yes they're a bunch of weirdos and we eat a lot of food and don't always look our tip top best?? Who cares if we have a 4.0 gpa or if you go out or if you don't??? I love them for them? i don't care what they look like or what they're involved in? who cares? we're all different. a sorority is a home away from home. people who care about you and will do anything for you always.. they'll drive you to class even though they've taken you to every class that week, they'll listen to you when you've got issues with ya silly boyfriends.. They'll let you cry for no reason and bring you cookout when you're sad... what else could you ask for?? To have any letters is an honor. I love my letters and I know no matter what letters you're wearing, you feel the same way as I do. So just stop all you're comments about other houses or you're own house or whatever you need to vent about. Find the good, i promise you every sorority has GREAT things to offer.. Ranks don't matter at the end of the day- just a place you can come home to and be yourself everyday- that's it-- love life and it will love you right back. Pan love.
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