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very nice

Poster Message:
These are some quotes that are parts of each sororities' mission statement, creed or found on their website. All of them are about helping each other and picking each other up when we need it. This should include members that are in different chapters. "To inspire the personal development of each sister and perpetuate the advancement of womanhood." "To practice day by day love, honor, truth." "Strive to develop women of poise & purpose; and assist members in fostering lifetime friendships." "To provide a sisterhood experience rich with tradition, innovation and opportunities for growth." "A lifelong sorority experience for women through ensuring a perpetual bond of friendship, developing a strong womanly character, and promoting high standards of ethical conduct." "unite its members in the bonds of sincere and lasting friendship, to stimulate one another in the pursuit of knowledge, to promote the moral and social culture of its members, and to develop plans for guidance and unity in action"
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