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I rushed as a sophomore. Didn’t know anything about Greek life before college so I didn’t rush fall semester as a freshman, tried rushing 2 spring semester with no luck and did formal rush as a sophomore and got a bid from my fraternity. Every chapter will take a sophomore, they just take less because they’re one semester less of a financial commitment than a freshman would be, but you definitely have a chance. If you’ve got buddies in any chapters you’d wanna join get them to talk you up and set you up for a good conversation with the rush chair. But a recommendation won’t mean much if said friend isn’t a respected brother or close friends with the rush chair. And yeah if you get a bid your sophomore year you could live in house assuming there’s an available bed, but in transparency if you live in house as a pledge you’re going to get hazed a lot more than your pc who lives out of house because you’re the nearest and most immediately available. Personally preferred to live with my pc versus the actives in my grade because I was closer with my pc. If you’d rather get your experience living in house over with in the same year you join that’s fine too, I can understand wanting to live in apartment in a more controlled environment as an upperclassman as opposed to the fraternity house
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