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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />kappa blew it<br /><br /> Poster Message:
Just when Kappa was getting over the whole "Kappa Kappa Gramma" thing, with a house full of women who were not too attractive and who took things much too seriously, this happens. They were making great strides in working on their stodgy image but then their freshmen (NOT a great pledge class, I might add) decided to go on an anti-Delta rant. Can't quite figure out why they would take on Delta -- a top house that last year at this time had better grades than Kappa and much more attractive and well-rounded girls. But, hey, this Kappa pledge class is full of insecure wannabes who are trying desperately to be something they're not. So Kappa goes back to struggling and Delta continues to keep the respect of Greek Town. It's just laughable to me, also, that Kappa keeps insisted that everyone hates Delta. Here's a news flash Kappa: you certainly aren't helping your cause and many of us are beginning to hate YOU. We expected better.
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