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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />honest question<br /><br /> Poster Message:
Why do people care so much about their ranking? It's not something that is easy to change, and over the years I'm sure there are cycles of houses moving between the tiers...but honestly, I had never even heard of "tiers" before this site. Why does it matter? Out there in the real world, out there in greek town, no one really cares. So why does it matter so much here? I guess it makes sense because this is a ranking site, but forreal...why do people get so worked up over it? I genuinely want to know. I just feel like there would be something wrong with you if you DIDN'T think your house was the best house. Obviously everyone's biased. So let them be. Think what you want, be happy with your house, but why give yourself an early heart attack from raising your blood pressure from obsessing over this website? I'd like some answers, legitimate ones!
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