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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />lets figure out the top tier<br /><br /> Poster Message:
so.... we seem to be having some conflict over top tier. although i usually could care less about tiers, or this website, im taking a study break and im gonna try something new here. based on how we rank people on here were gonna figure out who is top. THESE ARE NOT RANKED IN ORDER. Just the top 5's in no order. Example: A phi is obviously not the best looking house but they are in the top 5 best looking houses. exact orders only seem to make people mad and disagree with each other. I just threw it together out of order. Make sense? so dont get your panties in a bunch because you think its wrong. Top 5 in looks: A Phi G Phi Delta Kappa Pi Phi Top 5 in Social Life: G Phi DG Delta Pi Phi Chi O Top 5 in Popularity: Chi O Pi Phi Delta G Phi Kappa Top 5 in Involvement: Kappa Theta Chi O ADPi KD? Top 5 in Sisterhood: Kappa Pi Phi Chi O Theta? A Phi Top 5 in Grades (generally): Theta Chi O ADPi Pi Phi Kappa Okie so as we can see, the houses listed the most are proooobably our top tier. These houses include Chi O, Pi Phi, Kappa (These houses are in all categories but one), then probably ADPi and Theta or Delta. Youre call. But anyway, just an idea. take it as you will.
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