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Mark my words, multiple houses will be COBing throughout the year. Houses that WILL be COBing at some point this year, for various reasons, mainly because Total is a large number and alot of houses lost large senior classes, while their current senior classes are not as large, but also COB because it's a fact new girls drop, a few houses did not reaching quota (no it wasn't just one), girls transfer, go back home, can't afford it, or don't think a particular house is right for them: Obiviously SK will continue to COB, but also - AXO, Sigma, PhiMu, and Zeta (yes, Zeta had a really great pledge class, but their other classes are smaller and I'm pretty certain they're under total). Also, normally I would say KD but they must have COB'd anyone who wanted to be greek last year taking over 115 girls or some crazy number. So maybe not this year. If you want to participate in homecoming and fall festivities, contact members of the established houses that are potentially COBing. If you don't mind waiting until the spring for Greek Week or maybe next fall for 2013 Homecoming, contact Sigma Kappa. But most importantly see and meet the girls to make a connection. After all, they will become your sisters, your families away from home, your best friends, and your other halves for the next 4 years.
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