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Poster Name:
Check yourself

Poster Message:
So, I guess you are quite content to spend all your time in the hospital and are willing to live in a storage closet? No? Then check yourself, honey. Because there are PROFESSIONALS IN THE MAKING in other majors. Will you want a nice house? Better have a good realtor and contractor. Will you want your house to look pretty? Better have a good consultant to put that place together so it doesn’t look all mish mosh (unless you plan on minoring in interiors in your spare time). How about your retirement planning? Better have a good 401 k manager. Get yourself in a bind with a potential lawsuit due to your overinflated ego being on par with your skill set? Better have a good insurance agent and lawyer and PR person helping you keep your damn license. It takes all people to make this world work. A little humility would do you some good.
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