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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />i don’t think being honest about majors is bad. <br /><br /> Poster Message:
Girls who are advertising and marketing majors simply do not have the pressure that biology and chemistry major girls have. Do you have to shadow physicians from all specialties? Do you have to volunteer for more than 1000 hours before application time? Do you have to worry about keeping a 3.8+ GPA all the time because given the competition, anything below a 3.8 will reduce your chances GREATLY. Do you have to do research with professors (and let me tell me you being a research assistant is almost like a full time job)? No, you don’t. Because those easy majors revolve around communication and how well you are good at “marketing” things. But guess what? Pre Med girls’ communication skills will have to be just as good, if not better, than yours because they will need it to get into medical school (interview is the most important part). They will need to have better communication skills to volunteer and shadow. Don’t even insinuate that you are working harder as a philosophy major than a girl who is Pre med. Accept that you have chosen to take the easy way out. Simply get it through your head that you have chosen to prioritize Social life over education.
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