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Poster Name:
Can’t tolerate

<strong>Subject:</strong><br />i just can’t tolerate the south <br /><br /> Poster Message:
Some states like Florida are tolerable because they are nothing like the South. But states like Alabama and Arkansas where everyone smells like fried chicken and ribs, talk like uneducated people with a southern vernacular, and have no knowledge about the world outside the South? That’s not me, sorry. I came to Alabama because I earned a full ride. I’m paying nothing towards my education. This school is different because many people here are from the north. But outside this school, I feel so awkward. I didn’t grow up like this, and trust me I’m not the only out of state student who feels this way. Others just don’t say it out loud and nor do I (that’s why I came here LOL). I understand that not everyone has all kinds of privileges but at least, you can be open minded or TRY TO. If you know you have old biases from the 80s and 90s, you know you can tell yourself that you are ready to take that extra step and change into a developed and modern individual. But no, you won’t because ignorance is bliss for some of you. It’s as if you know you are ignorant and love living in ignorance. Some of you need to grow up and understand that this isn’t 1888. This is 2018.
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