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Tons of moms and SK alums posting here. How about people who really go here put it out there. I saw their bid day along with many others. We know some of their upperclassmen and we reviewed and met most of their freshman. Tons of girls, which is a huge positive. A respectable amount of diversity which is also a huge positive. Seemed a bit disorganized and like a voter registration event or rally. Lots and lots of girls standing around looking for direction or something to do. It lacked excitement and joy from this vantage point. Line up by last name and get your shirt, fan, and bag kind of stuff then go mingle, but they just didn't know anyone or were lacking in the social skills necessary to make this kind of thing work, so lots of girls standing around looking lost. It did appear that they went for quantity and brought in some QRs, social risks, and others who seem to be there for the shear numbers. They bid some quality girls but they also had many many girls who were cut from my house for all of the typical reasons and I suspect they were cut from yours too. You could tell from some of the reactions from the girls there that they were surprised by the mix in the crowd, similar to the crying in the stadium look. IMHO they would have been 1,000times better off taking only 150 and sticking with the average and above girls who will bring this chapter some respect on campus. I wish them the best since it is good that people find their place on campus and we need all houses to thrive to keep our numbers down. The weird self ranking and rush to shout how amazing they did by people who obviously don't go here or are blinded by their bias to SK is off putting. You should be off building your sisterhood, you mammas should be off getting on with your lives, and you alums should be internally supporting your house instead of creating some fake narrative on GR.
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