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doing it

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There are plenty of us keeping our 4.0s and swamped with other obligations. We are running clubs, running charity events, doing internships and work for our majors while enjoying our sorority. In my friend group we take our studies seriously and we have to make choices. I don't go to everything and yes, it sucks sometimes. I am not at the game because I am studying for a huge exam and preparing for an interview. I did go and hang out pregame but sold my ticket and am using the time to get ahead. Most of the girls that I was hanging with earlier were doing the same (some in my house but some not). I miss some date parties, some pre-games, some events but also careful to make many others. Don't complain to your sisters about how busy you are, they are too.It is worst the first semester of freshman year because there are non-negotiable obligations and so many things you don't want to miss. Prepare for homecoming and get ahead with all of your studies. You will not have a minute to yourself. It will get easier in the spring, and you won't have the pull of football weekends. By next fall you will have an idea of the things you can pass on and the ones that you don't want to miss. It can be done and is being done all over campus.
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