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Poster Name:
Thank you, but no.

Poster Message:
I am in one of the houses initially mentioned by the OP, and am proud of our house's collective academic accomplishments, and appreciate the OP's compliment. However, the responding posters are correct in saying academics are important in every house (even if some replies had a very negative tone). Please know, a source of pride among sororities at Bama is that all houses value and support strong GPAs. This past year, every house posted respectable grades. No matter what you hear about houses and their reputations, all houses here are very similar. As much as houses/commenters try to differentiate themselves via ranks and reputations, our recruitment is too quick and our memberships are too big to stay within the narrow reputations you see posted here. Every house runs in a similar manner, following similar panhellenic governing rules. Every house had groups that party, study, etc. Every house here is gorgeous. Every house offers a fantastic social calendar. If you are a smart PNM, you eill enjoy any house here!
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