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Colony recruitment varies from sorority to sorority, but generally it takes place over several days. Since it's a colony, recruitment is usually facilitated by national volunteers, women from other chapters, and/or alumnae in the area. Whether the colony recruitment includes a pref ceremony depends on the sorority and how the colonization team wants to structure things. Colonies generally take a mix of different class levels, so as to mimic current sororities, so that there's a mix of juniors and seniors in the chapter as opposed to all freshman. They also try to bid at least average chapter size for the campus, but colony recruitment is not a sure thing. Depending on when DZ decides to colonize, they will most likely participate in Round 1 of formal recruitment and drop out. Then they will proceed to market around campus, hold information sessions and then conduct interviews in order to select their pledge class. They will be looking for women who meet their membership criteria and will ask you questions based on that. Then there may or may not be prefs, as stated, and then bids are distributed. Typically during the process, both alum and collegians from another chapter(s) will be present. Do your homework about the sorority - know their philanthropy and mission statement. Ask questions about leadership opportunities and personal development. Share with them previous leadership positions you have held. Show genuine interest in each person you meet.
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