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famous phi mus

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Arts and Entertainment Ann Bowden (Alpha Gamma) - wife of Florida State University Head Coach Bobby Bowden and mother to Clemson University Head Coach Tommy Bowden, Auburn University Head Coach Terry Bowden and FSU's Offensive Coordinator Jeff Bowden[3] Pam Long (Theta Alpha) - Miss Alabama (1974), contestant in Miss America (1975)[citation needed] and head writer for CBS' Guiding Light[4] Susan Harling, Kappa Iota - inspiration for the play and movie Steel Magnolias[4] Elizabeth Horton (Gamma Tau)- Miss North Carolina (2006), contestant in Miss America (2007)[citation needed] Dana Ivey (Alpha Omega) - actress (The Addams Family, Sleepless in Seattle, Orange County), five-time Tony nominee[5] Leah Massee (Kappa Beta)- Miss Georgia (2007), contestant in Miss America (2008)[citation needed] Ashley Hatfield (Alpha Delta) - Miss Illinois (2007), contestant in Miss America (2008) Joyce Carol Oates (Beta Zeta) - author, (Blonde, We Were the Mulvaneys) Mary Wickes (Zeta Epsilon) - actress
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