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KD alum

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::::::::MORE FAMOUS KD's:::::::: Christine O'Grady Gregoire - Attorney General, State of Washington (present) Patricia Wood Barnes aka "Sister Schubert" - Founder of "Sister Schubert's Homemade Rolls" baking company now selling bread and rolls in over half the states in the U.S.A. Ruth Johnson Colvin - founder and President of Literacy Volunteers of America Suzy Spafford - Artist; creator of "Suzy's Zoo" greeting cards Linda Warren - Senior Vice President of Marketing for Product and Brand Management, Walt Disney World (1995); first female General Manager of EPCOT, Disney theme park (1994), and cited as such in Working Woman magazine's 20th-anniversary issue Donna Stone - Founder and President, National Committee to Prevent Child Abuse (1972-78) Now Prevent Child Abuse America Patricia Polito Miller - Co-owner/President, Vera Bradley Designs; recipient, Ernst & Young's Entrepreneur of the Year award Trischa Zorn - Champion swimmer; winner of 40 Paralympic
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