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famous pi phis2

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Euginea Moore Anderson - first woman Ambassador to Denmark (Iowa Beta) Faye Dunaway - Actress (FL Beta) Grace Goodhue Coolidge - wife of Calvin Coolidge, 30th president of the United States (VT Beta) Jacquelyn Mayer Townsend - Miss America 1963 (IL Epsilon) Jane Bryant Quinn - Author & Financial Columnist (VT Alpha) Jane Sibbett - actress who has appeared on "Friends" (CA Delta) Jennifer Biddulph Maxwell - co-creator of the Power Bar (CA Beta) Jenonne Walker - Ambassador to the Czech Republic (OK Alpha) Katherine Browne - Opera star in the 1920's (IL Zeta) Kathy Garver - actress and producer. She played Cissie on "Family Affair." (CA Delta) Kay Bailey Hutchinson - US Senator (TX Alpha) Kay Hall - Gold and Bronze medals in swimming at the 1968 Summer Olympics (WA Gamma) Kelli Kuehne - toured with the LPGA and was Nike's first female golf spokesman (TX Alpha) Lisa Morgan Beaupre - Miss Teenage America, 1988 (CA Delta) Margaret Truman Daniels - Author & Daughter of President Truman
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