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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />change in fraternities over the last 5 years<br /><br /> Poster Message:
As a 5th year who just graduated, it's interesting to take note of how the chapters have risen and fallen in my time here. List is ordered in my view of rankings, although from ATO to Pike, no one is going to be right as to how those fall. Key: (^) rise, (v) fall, (=) same (=)KA, Chi Phi- Essentially the same. Rush the same type of kids every year and get consistently great, rich, affluent pledge classes (= )EX- Essentially the same as KA & Chi Phi, has always been the 4th man in line behind “Old Row” and has stayed consistent (^)Fiji- Was good when I started UGA, but with the elimination of Kappa Sig in 2010 and the rapid decline of Lambda, they have definitely solidified their spot in the Top 5, and has killed rush the last two years. (v)SAE- Although they are still hanging on to their prestige and affluence, their presence on campus has fallen. They still are part of the Big 3 Old Row, but in terms of quality and popularity, I would say in the current system, they’ve lost ground to EX & Fiji. They aren't what they were 4 years ago, and their reputation has been tarnished quite a bit. ( ^)ATO- ATO was pretty middle tier around 2010-2011, but consistently gets good pledge classes every year and has moved up quite a bit in popularity over the last few years. (=)SNu- is borderline middle/upper middle tier, and hasn’t changed a lot, although they have become a little more popular here very recently. Very entrenched alumni network helps them. POST CONTINUED IN COMMENTS
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