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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />Why can't everyone be nicer<br /><br /> Poster Message:
Why is it so hard for everyone in Greek Life to be kind to each other? Every Sorority and Fraternity is unique in its own way in the best way possible, and yes, every org has its own issues. No one is perfect; people get mad, happy, and sad with what goes on in their sorority and fraternity, and at others as well, but it is no excuse to air everything on a site everyone can read, and it is certainly no excuse just to be downright rude to each other. Everyone coming on here ripping each other apart, and I mean EVERYONE, this is not how we are taught to treat others as Aggies, and if you don't go to A&M, it's still not kind to be ripping people apart. "We are the Aggies, the Aggies are we" is a phrase y'all keep forgetting, we are all one family in the Aggie Spirit. We all get a Muster; we attend each other's Silver Taps if one of us passes, we are here to get an education and become the best versions of ourselves. If you do want children, is this really how you want to teach them how to talk to people? Pan Love can genuinely be beautiful, but it takes everyone and people to stop ripping others apart on this site and to each other offscreen.
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