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Wow - you are so wrong! First, College should be about growing and expanding your universe. If a sorority isn’t supporting that then they have no business being an organization on a college campus. Second, OOS girls are bad asses. These girls are strong, independent and brave - they packed up and moved to a different state where (for the most part), they don’t know anybody. These girls are going to be very involved because they can’t drive home every weekend. (I am not knocking in state girls. I was an in state girl and was very involved.). Third, it is wrong to assume that girls will act the same way in college as they did in high school. College should be a time to start fresh. Everyone makes mistakes and does stupid things when they are young. What matters most is that people learn and grow from these experiences. There will be plenty of girls who come to college with sterling reputations who will let loose and make horrible mistakes - that’s life and that’s how you grow. If you are going to college and joining a sorority so you can continue to be surrounded by the same girls then you are missing out. This world is full of fascinating and unique people. You should be doing everything you can to meet different people, be exposed to different cultures and to learn. That is why you go to college. The sororities that are closed off to girls they don’t know or only take girls from certain areas are hurting themselves and frankly are threatening the future of Greek life. Sororities must grow and change as LSU does and as the world does. If they don’t, they will die off.
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