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Poster Name:
LSU Sorority Alum

Poster Message:
I am an alum of another LSU sorority, but I wanted to agree with everyone who says it could have happened to any of sororities on campus. These groups, their officers, their alumnae and advisors try to monitor as many aspects of the groups as possible, BUT there is still something called personal behavior, and NO ONE can control the behavior of others 100% of the time. This young lady made a horrible mistake and will have to deal with this the rest of her life. Thank goodness no one was hurt. I think this is a wake up call to all Greeks, you can no longer stand by and not do anything when you see someone impaired! If you see someone leaving a bar or restaurant, PLEASE make sure they have a safe way to get back to their home. Also watch out for one another and be a friend and tell someone when they have had enough to drink. Everyone needs to take responsibility for their sisters and brothers. The Kappas are an awesome group at LSU and all other groups need to show them support!
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