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Poster Name:
don't bring

Poster Message:
One thing not to bring is tent talk. That's the gossip and innuendo that some girls bring to the tents between parties, dorm rooms after the parties, and even GR during recruitment. In fact, don't listen to what anyone has to say about the houses between now and then. You don't want other people to make up your mind for you and you don't want to be responsible for influencing someone else to go against their instincts. Anytime you say that one house is "better," "ranked higher,"more desirable," etc., you're participating in something that goes against EVERYTHING that panhellenic stands for. So think before you give advice to a girl who says she doesn't know whether to rank Chi O or AOII first. Don't tell her Chi O is #1 and AOII is dead last. ALL OF OUR HOUSES ARE GREAT!
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